Sunday, March 25, 2007

Shut Up & Enjoy The Testosterone

Hey, i'm JD and this is where I will rant once a month (or whenever I remember) about random things that will most of the time involve comics somehow but not always. Anyway, on with the show!

So i'm getting VERY angry at so many people cutting down the movie "300" and acting like it should be treated and reviewed like a real honest movie with actual value. Did I miss the part where ANYONE was claiming this movie was insightful and full of historical accuracy? Maybe I missed it over all the wicked awesomeness of the film itself. I am mostly angry at woman who see and expect anything past the best dam guy movie ever invented. Oh and the people who complain it's racist when one gives a shit.

Let me let you all in on something, I saw the movie on opening day with my friend Mike, we are two VERY white VERY nerdy looking young fellows and saw it in Philadelphia. Aside from two kids who snuck into the movie from some cartoon, we were the only white people among a sea of black people. After the movie guess what? THEY LOVED IT! Turns out they didn't give a FUCK about the color of people's skin because it was just a fun "Turn your brain off" movie and nothing more.



Kalinka said...

Well, I came here after hearing about you from Ami.

Hahahaha. Speaking from someone who has no real desire to see 300. I agree with you. I felt bad for stereotyping it as a "guy" movie but, well, that's the impression that I got. But I can understand how people would like it. At least it's more artful than a lot of action movies.


I don't know why people are complaining. It's a matter of seeing it or not seeing it, right?


Jeffery Duke said...

Exactly! I'm glad there are still sane people in this world. No one forced people to go see the movie and no one said it was Oscar Award Winning Historical Accuracy Brilliance.